As we attempted to get a fourth race off, the dragons flew through the clouds, spitting fire and clapping their wings. The weather rolled in just like when a White Walker shows up at any spare to fair battlefield, and rain came down like Dany’s tears mourning the dying Ser Joura – slowly at first, and then a downpour!
We were all soaking wet. Alex stripped down and pranced about in his underroos. Was he wanting to prove he’s not like Varys? All I know is I can’t unsee it….
Forest loaded up a boat he will repair Gendry style for the new fleet loaner. Thanks, Forest!
Afterwards, Alex, Eric, Griffin and I went to Lake House. Hot Pie wasn’t there, but two of his sisters were (they’re really nice!), and they kept us in beer and burgers.
When the time to leave came, it was raining really, really hard. Griffin and Eric counted to three to begin their run to their cars. Eric pulled a Cersei, promising Griffin he would go on three just as Cersei promised Dany she would fight for the living – Eric stayed under cover and Cersei stayed at King’s Landing. Griffin had a flip flop blow out as he ran, requiring him to double back. The three stragglers stayed and had another round until the rain lessened.
It was a GREAT night for sailing and cajoling! Adam, you HAVE to be at the lake next Wednesday as I have to pick your GoT brain. Please come out, y’all, as the weather is getting better and better. And yes, SUMMER IS COMING!!
Other Activities
The Laser fleet was active this weekend with Mark and Mike taking the FS Districts and Alex and me taking a distant third. Congratulations, Mark and Mike!
Griffin joined Jack at Lake Arlington to sail Aeros in the stout conditions. Griffin reported Jack had one whale of a death roll which resulted from Jack pulling his board up to clear debris. “Clean up in Aisle 4.” But Jack righted the boat, and they had a ball.
One funny occurrence Sunday. Alex was doing his best to get people to come to WR to sail Lasers. He was talking to one RCYC sailor who said he refused to sail at WR “because you can do everything right and end up in the middle of the fleet.” Really? That’s not what I saw last night!! WR is a great lake to sail on, and we all need to support the club, our fleet, and our lake. Buy a CSC shirt!! Represent!! |