
Welcome to the Dallas Laser Fleet website.  Our Fleet is dedicated to advancing the quality, access and growth in Laser sailboat racing.  The Fleet is hosted by the Corinthian Sailing Club on White Rock Lake about 15 minutes NE of downtown Dallas, TX USA.

The Dallas Laser Fleet is the largest fleet of Laser sailors in North Texas with a strong and growing membership.  The Fleet includes men and women members of all ages and a range of laser sailing experience from novice to 30+ years.

The two sailing clubs on White Rock Lake, the Corinthian Sailing Club and the White Rock Boat Club collaborate, plan and conduct great Laser seminars, social events, regattas and racing series throughout the year.

We offer…

  • a well attended Wednesday night racing series from April to October
  • several multi-class regattas though out the year on White Rock Lake
  • Saturday and Sunday racing year-around with other boat classes

We are members of the International Laser Class North American (ILCA-NA) District 15 that organize regattas throughout the year at other clubs in Texas.

For those interested in trying out a Laser sailing/racing, we have a couple of Fleet loaner boats (full rigs and radials) in the racks for the race season.  The loaners are free and available to Fleet members and guest/non-members.  Reserving them will be on a first-come first-serve basis.  Use of a loaner will need to be sponsored/approved by a Dallas Laser Fleet member and must be sailed only when other fleet members are sailing.  Details of the Fleet Loaner Program can be found here.

We hope you will join the family of the Dallas Laser Fleet and participate in the great experiences sailing can bring.

Griffin Orr


Membership in the Dallas Fleet is available to any member of either Corinthian Sailing Club or White Rock Boat Club.  The annual dues is $50 per calendar year and covers the cost of racing series trophies, food, and other expenses.

Contact our Fleet Captain at for application.
Contact our Treasurer at for renewing your membership.


The club address is 441 E. Lawther Drive, Dallas, Texas which is on the North East side of White Rock Lake.  You can gain access to east Lawther from Northwest Hwy or Mockingbird Lane.


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