Rock the Ice 2022

Light and challenging winds with warming sun made for an excellent regatta.  Temperatures starting in the freezing zone warmed during the day to the low 60’s.  After one race, the winds died down and the boats had to towed back to the clubhouse for lunch.  After lunch, the winds came back and the competitors were in for four more races in increasing winds toping off at about 15 mph and warmer sun getting temps up to the low 60 degrees.  Steven Benenson was our PRO and led a very capable crew adjusting course as needed.

Dinner with three different chillies was cooked and served by Bowman, Audrey, and Mandy topping off with lemon bars.  

Sunday morning saw lighter winds coming from the west with occasional shots in the low tens.  With two more races in, competitors were rewarded in a dropped score.

You can find all the photos taken by Heidi Gough here.

District Laser Regatta Conroe Yacht Club 2016

District Laser Regatta Conroe Yacht Club 2016

Conroe Yacht Club hosted the Spring Fling Regatta on Lake Conroe April 9 and 10, 2016. Ron Liston and Mike Lindstrom were terrific hosts for this two day event. The lake is just 222 miles South of Dallas off of IH 45 in Montgomery, Texas. From the quiet residential road you take a narrow straight gravel road lined with tall pine trees and vacation homes to the low key Conroe Yacht Club. It is a perfect sailing venue. The generous dry sail area was buzzing with energy as boats rigged for the first of 8 medium to heavy wind races. After sailing we enjoyed rehashing the day’s events while sitting on the expansive deck surrounded by tall slender pine trees with a carpet of green grass leading to the water’s edge. The lake has a large basin to run Olympic courses including long windward legs.  There were three fleets; Sunfish, Laser (of course) and Centerboard Portsmouth Class.  The winds arrived early on Saturday morning and began to blow and increase from 12 to 18+ knots. The gusts were often 5 – 10 degree oscillations coupled with changes in velocity.  It put a premium on superb boat handling and skill at changing gears while full hiking.  The winds and motor boats created a washing machine effect on the water – Dubbed Lake Maytag (by Forest). The confused waves and chop made all directions of sail a bumpy ride! It also provided for some nice steep rolling waves to surf on and fly across on screaming reaches.

We had 8 talented Laser sailors at this regatta – 6 from the Dallas Laser Fleet, one from Arlington, and one from Houston.   The regatta was host to 23 boats in three classes.  Using a three minute sequence the race committee started Sunfish, Lasers and the Portsmouth in separate starts. They setup an Olympic course with a downwind finish totaling five legs and 3.25 miles.  The race committee skillfully got off 5 races on Saturday and 3 races on Sunday.

A funny thing happened on the way to Conroe for Griffin Orr aka the Wizard. He had to have his boat and trailer towed into Corsicana due a broken leaf spring.  But Cleansweep 11 could not be held back. Magically Forest appeared out of nowhere in the early morning mist to rescue Griffin and Cleansweep 11. They happily arrived at CYC early Saturday morning with time to spare.  Both Forest and Griffin arrived not much worse for the wear!

Once the boats were rigged they sailed about a mile to the start area. The mixed up chop and breeze provided a nice wakeup call for anyone that had not had their morning coffee. On this day almost everyone got a chance to swim – some more than others!!!  The sailors enjoyed high winds that allowed for very fast, fun and challenging off wind legs. On several reaches you could see 3 or 4 sleek one-design Lasers flying over the sun drenched waves in tight formation.  The bows of the Lasers completely out of the water with spray giving way to the high speed reach – like a section of fighter jets performing an impressive airshow.  The Laser skippers proved an indefatigable bunch of sailors. The Lasers maintained fleet integrity for 8 races.  Saturday the winds were 12-18+ knots with shifty gusts above 20.  Sunday the wind was easily blowing 18 – 24+ knots with gusts off the charts in all three races.  Despite the conditions the fleet was typically bunched close together.  The course called for downwind finishes which provided for some nice off wind demonstrations of dynamic rocking by the lee sailing and fast screaming reaches with boats flying side by side across the glistening water.  The sailing was strenuous and exhilarating.  For some the downwind legs were a rock n roll sensation culminating in a splashy death roll.

The committee boat was not part of the start finish line. This was explained to each of us on the water by Forest as he sailed by to make certain we knew how to start.  The Race Instruction may have mentioned this but since we never received a printed copy and so we just rolled with it and raced Lasers!

The regatta was won by Carson Shields. He impressively won five out of the eight races. He had challengers on the course and he proved he could win from the front and the back of the fleet. Once he was over early and still managed to work his way through the fleet and win the race. His skill at sailing is exceeded only by his exceptional manners and friendliness. Griffin was second. He won the first race and continued to put pressure on Carson. The heavy winds pushed him hard.  The off wind legs demonstrated his skill and boat handling.  He easily passed boats on each leg to get his well-deserved finish. John O’Riordan was third. He was ever present on the upwind legs and also demonstrated his off wind prowess.  Rich Laffey was fourth.  He impressively won the third race and capped the weekend with a second in the last race. Alexander J Goldberg was fifth.  He easily won the last race – punctuating his win by capsizing at the finish and celebrating!  He was leading an earlier race and he looked secure for the win until he performed an unexpected death roll.Jody Smith, Forest Atkins, and John Oliver rounded out the fleet standings.

The upwind legs were a physical battle for the sailors. The mixture of waves and steep chop presented a challenge to all.  Almost all the upwind legs were a full hike and a balance of powering up and depowering the rig as the gusts rolled down the long windward leg.  The reaches were a true blast!  Right after rounding the top mark they eased the vang and bore away and held on tight during the starboard reach. At the jibe mark a few went swimming.  But more often than not the quick jibe was followed by a crisp crack of the sail as the Laser took off on a screaming reach! Typically the Lasers were bunched together.  The nimble fast Lasers were seen planing with the surf or surging over the waves.  The next upwind leg would occasionally see the lead change as the boats took advantage of shifts. Everyone worked hard to stay flat and fast.

This second stop on the Texas District Laser Circuit was well worth the trip! Go find your Laser and get it ready for the next Circuit stop at Rush Creek Yacht Club at the end of this month – April 30 and May 1, 2016. Thanks again to Conroe Yacht Club for a very fun party!

Sail Flat! Sail Downwind! Sail Fast! Sail Lasers!





District Laser Regatta Conroe Yacht Club 2016
Place            Name                 Boat Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Total
1 Carson Shields Laser 212064 2 1 X 1 1 1 1 3 10
2 Griffin Orr Laser 190275 1 3 2 2 3 3 X 5 19
3 John O’Riordan Laser 185844 3 X 3 3 6 4 2 4 25
4 Rich Laffey Laser 171656 4 2 1 5 X 5 7 2 26
5 Alexander Goldberg Laser 187956 5 4 4 X 4 6 5 1 29
6 Jody Smith Laser 209728 X 5 6 6 5 2 3 7 34
7 Forest Atkins Laser 157833 6 7 5 4 2 X 4 6 34
8 John Oliver Laser 174300 8 8 8 8 8 X 8 8 56


Laser District Regatta Schedule 2016:

Laser District Regatta Schedule 2016:

March 26/27 Easter Laser Regatta, Austin Yacht Club – Results posted! 9 made it to the regatta!

April 9/10 Lake Conroe Regatta, Conroe Yacht Club

April 30/May 1 Laser Regatta, will be held at Rush Creek as part of Dinghy Fest

June 18/19 Summer Solstice, Seabrook Sailing Club

August 27/28 Cannonball Run, Palacios Yacht Club — The Luther Hotel is filling up fast so please reserve your room!  (361) 972-2312

October 1/2 Laserpalooza, Arlington Yacht Club (New location on the Fort Worth side of the lake)

November 5/6 Wurstfest, Lake Canyon Yacht Club

Wurstfest Regatta

There were 16 Lasers in Full rig plus two more in 4.7 making the fleet the largest in the regatta. The fleet was assigned its own race course. On Sunday, it was a fast beam reach to and from the course in 15+ winds and waves. Great way to start and end the day. Mildtemperatures and sunny skies made for a beautiful weekend on the lake. On Saturday, when the winds where very light and shifty, we got 6 races in. High winds on Sunday challenged every skipper to keep the boat under control. The regatta was a good overall test of skill. Everyone had their glory moment.

Some folks managed to get out and see Cody Bryan Band at Gruene Hall. Check them out

Regatta scores are posted here. District 15 standings will be posted shortly.

Does this picture look familiar?


District 15 Championship 2014

The District 15 Championship 2014 will be held at Palacios Yacht Club near Victoria, Texas August 16-17, 2014.  This will be a joint event with the Texas Sailing Association’s Cannon Ball Run event.  All members of ILCA will receive Grand Prix points based on their final standings. Minimum number of ILCA members per class to qualify that class in the regatta for Grand Prix points.

  • Full – 10 competitors
  • Radial – 7 competitors
  • 4.7 – 5 competitors

Click here for registration and NOR.

Regatta Results

The results of the Butterfly Wrangle and Laser District 15 Regatta has been posted here.  Congratulations to Owen Bushaw, Griffin Orr, and Forest Atkins who took the top 3 places overall with just 6 points spread among them.  Christa Hvidsten was top racer in 4.7 rig followed by Caleb Shi, and Gordon Kinahai.

The results of the Summer Solstice Regatta hosted by Seabrook Sailing Club is posted here.  Don Silva, Kirk Taylor, Jack Marsh, and Greg Wallace made the trip to the coast.

The next district regatta is will be hosted by Palacios Yacht Club near Victoria.  It will be the District Championship Regatta in a joint event with TSA’s Cannonball Run.  Takes place Aug. 16-17 on the shores of Tres Palacios Bay.  More information will be posted soon.

Dist 15 Laser and Butterfly Wrangler Regatta

Corinthian Sailing Club and White Rock Boat Club invite you to beautiful White Rock Lake June 6-8, 2014 in Dallas for the Laser District 15 and Butterfly Wrangler Regatta.  NOR and online registration is posted here.  Register before May 25 to secure your regatta t-shirt included with the entry fee.

This is an “Open House” regatta.  Members of the Dallas Laser Fleet are opening their homes to out of town guest.  Submit your request for housing at  First come; First served.

Dallas Runners Club is having an event Saturday morning which may limit access to the park.  Please check the CSC website ( for updates on access to the park.  Information will be posted here when available.

Drop your boat off at CSC Friday night and join us for dinner.  CSC is hosting its monthly First Friday party starting at 1800.  Dinner, drinks, and live entertainment are included with your $10 ticket.

Forest Atkins, our District Secretary, and Mandy Burnett will host a casual get together at their home Saturday night after the races.  Possibly a Chalk Talk with a Laser expert.

Contact Mark McAnelly at if you have questions or suggestions.

Easter Regatta Review

Our first district regatta saw 33 boats on the line in full rig, and another 19 in radial. The weather forecast called for light 5-10 winds but the course was set where the land on both sides pinches in creating a steady wind channel of 10-15+ mph. The standings will be posted to the District site soon but here is overall standings for the current/former fleet members.

Full Rig

  • Doug McKeige (Ian’s Dad) 7th
  • Forest Atkins 12th
  • Alex Delgado 16th
  • Ian Mckeige 19th
  • Greg Wallace 26th

Radial Rig

  • Skylar Bayman 6th
  • Chandler Hill 16th

Bruce and Kristin Moore stepped up and organized the breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Doug Mckeige, Forest Atkins, and Skylar Bayman got trophies for their age group standings.  Greg Wallace got the best boat name trophy.


2014 Trophy Winners