Great Breeze Today + WOW Singlehand Clinic

First a friendly note on fleet dues for 2020. As COVID has reduced the length of our season and forced us to cut back on most of our social events, we have decided to reduce the dues payments to $30 for 2020. This money will go towards the fleet loaner boat program, one of our key vehicles to drive growth in the fleet as well as any social events that we will hopefully be able to host later this fall. You can register here. If you have already paid Greg by cash or check, please just let me know and I will mark you as paid. 

Additionally, scores are posted from last week!  We had a total of 9 boats on the starting line, including one radial, three 4.7’s, and FOUR Women Sailors!!! Breeze was out of the south starting at 15 knots, slowly diminishing to 8-10 knots by the end of the night. Summer days are long and we were able to run 4 full races with lots of excitement and competition for everyone.

Tim Ponter, Karly Albert, Andrew Sommer, and Griffin Orr from the laser fleet also took part in helping WOW run their first Singlehand Clinic over the weekend. Conditions were perfect and we were able to get 12 sailors on the water using Butterflys and Lasers. Everyone had a great time and learned a lot! We started with the sailors sailing upwind/downwind between two marks before transitioning into races at the end of the day. Our coaches all had a ton of fun watching and helping everyone to become faster and more comfortable with the boat! Expect a similar clinic for the wider laser fleet group soon!