(2020 D15 Champs Above)
Virtual Fleet Meeting Next Tuesday at 7:00PM
It’s the time of year once again for our annual fleet meeting!! This year will be a little different as we will meet over Zoom rather than hosting an end of the year party. (We can hold off until Rock the Ice!) We have much to discuss ranging from our upcoming Rock the Ice Regatta to planning out the next amazing year of sailing on White Rock!
Meeting Details:
Topic: DLF Fleet Meeting
Time: Dec 22, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 775 5122 5961
Passcode: DLF
- Introduction and Fleet Update
- Treasurers Report
- Loaner Boats
- Social Update
- Race Report
- Rock the Ice Report
- 2020 Standings
- Officers Vote (Details to Come)
- Q&A from fleet
I am still accepting nominations for all positions. Please reply to this e-mail if you are interested in one of the below positions or would like to nominate one of your fellow fleet members!
- Fleet Captain
- Treasurer
- Loaner Boat
- Social
- Race
- Scores
- Secretary
I will also make a recording and make it available for anyone who cannot make it. Looking forward to seeing you all next week!